Brinqa Selected as a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: (VRM), Q3 2023

forrester wave vrm report q3 2023

Brinqa has been selected a strong performer in The Forrester Wave™: Vulnerability Risk Management, Q3 2023 report. Read the complete report to learn about Brinqa’s placement, including why we received the highest scores possible in 7 criteria, including: 

✅ Vision
✅ Prioritization insights and customization
✅ Business contextualization
✅ Asset criticality
✅ Asset types
✅ Exceptions
✅ Analyst experience

The Forrester Wave™: Vulnerability Risk Management, Q3 2023 report is a definitive guide for businesses seeking to evaluate vulnerability risk management solutions. It provides a comprehensive assessment of VRM vendors, offering useful insights for organizations to refine their vulnerability management strategies.

This year’s report makes it abundantly clear that the old approach of “slap a vulnerability scanner in their environment, find a bunch of problems, then point fingers when nothing got fixed” is over. Moving beyond commoditized scanning to a risk-based approach to vulnerability management is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s the key to building a proactive security program.

Read the report to learn why Forrester identifies Brinqa as the “choice for modern enterprises that need to customize unique factors about their environment — especially application development — and incorporate them when operationalizing their VRM program.”

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The Forrester Wave™: Vulnerability Risk Management (VRM), Q3 2023

forrester wave vrm report q3 2023