Solution Comparison
Brinqa vs Vulcan Cyber
See why customers choose Brinqa over Vulcan Cyber to manage cyber risk across their attack surface.
Feature Comparison
Attack Surface Coverage
Risk Scoring
Automated Remediation
Dashboards & Reporting
Asset Management
Attack Surface Coverage
✅ Full attack surface coverage that spans all security tools (infrastructure, AppSec, cloud security & more)
✅ Easily connect to hundreds of data sources to leverage the tools & systems you’re already using
✅ Builds custom data connectors for free
Vulcan Cyber
❌ Only connects to around 70 data sources
❌ Requires a lot of manual data upload via CSV or XLS
Risk Scoring
✅ Risk scores are transparent and personalized to your business
✅ Transforms how your organization prioritizes risk with scores that incorporate business context
✅ Remediation prioritization your stakeholders trust
Vulcan Cyber
❌ Limited customization, does not incorporate specific internal business factors.
❌ Black box scoring, customer is unable to build their own unique risk score
❌ Stakeholders question risk scores and don’t take action
Automated Remediation
✅ Brinqa automatically creates remediation tickets, assigns ownership, track SLAs & groups vulnerabilities for faster remediation
✅ Bi-directionally syncs with dev/IT project management tools (Jira, ServiceNow, etc.) for closed loop remediation tracking
Vulcan Cyber
❌ Out-of-the-box ticket assignment is limited, making it difficult to assign ownership to a particular team, individual, or specific table attribute
❌ No automated ticket assignment or status updates. For every issue, you must manually close out every task after completion
❌ No automated ticket assignment or status updates. For every issue, you must manually close out every task after completion
Dashboards & Reporting
✅ Personalize to audience (Executive, IT/Dev remediation owner, security)
✅ Data from entire attack surface is available (infrastructure, AppSec, cloud security & more)
✅ Highly configurable to easily customize dashboards & reports
Vulcan Cyber
❌ Highly templated/canned dashboards & reports
❌ Low-level of customization that most F500 businesses need
Asset Management
✅ Provides a unified asset inventory that consolidates and reconciles multiple data sources to improve security control coverage and establish definitive asset ownership
✅ Supports over 3x more data sources across wider range of categories including infrastructure, AppSec & cloud security tools
Vulcan Cyber
❌ Poor attack surface coverage and data accuracy problems that limit usefulness
❌ Supports fewer data sources & is slow to add new ones
❌ Difficult to consolidate data across tech stack to manage assets effectively
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